IPFS Setup (Tutorial)

Deep Dive Tutorial – Setup & Access Files with IPFS

The Basics

In these tutorials you can get started with installing go-ipfs (also known as kubo), and doing some basic things with the filesystems.

Getting Started with IPFS

This video is the basic setup for ipfs-go on a linux VM, using wget to grab the resources. You will also ipfs init a node and get it running with ipfs daemon.


  • When you run ipfs daemon, if you get the error: lock <path>/.ipfs/repo.lock: someone else has the lock, run the command killall ipfs and try again

IPFS Basics: Accessing Files

In this tutorial, you can follow along to understand the basics of how you, as a user, can access, add, and pin files in IPFS. Follow along with the examples to learn about pinning and adding files, how files from IPFS can be previewed and inspected, and learn a bit about how that data is created and stored on IPFS.


  • Get a CID of a file by starting IPFS and visiting localhost:5001/webui in your browser, checking out Explore


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